Wkow Weather Radar (2025)

1. Interactive Radar | wkow.com

  • Real time weather conditions and storm tracking for Madison, WI and South Central Wisconsin.

  • Real time weather conditions and storm tracking for Madison, WI and South Central Wisconsin

Interactive Radar | wkow.com

2. Wisconsin Radar | wkow.com

  • Wisconsin Radar · Advanced Tools · Watch 27 News Live.

Wisconsin Radar | wkow.com

3. Interactive Radar | Madison, WI - WMTV

  • BDFD responded to reports of smoke in the area around 11:44 p.m. Saturday, and found a fire on the second floor of the apartment complex.

  • WMTV | Interactive Radar | Madison, WI

Interactive Radar | Madison, WI - WMTV

4. 2024 Wkow interactive radar

5. Weather Radar | channel3000.com

  • Get the latest radar maps for southern Wisconsin and the midwest from the First Warn Weather team.

Weather Radar | channel3000.com

6. Interactive Radar | waow.com

  • Real time weather and storm tracking for Wausau and North Central Wisconsin.

  • Real time weather and storm tracking for Wausau and North Central Wisconsin

Interactive Radar | waow.com

7. 10-Day Weather Forecast for Madison, WI

  • Be prepared with the most accurate 10-day forecast for Madison, WI with highs, lows, chance of precipitation from The Weather Channel and Weather.com.

  • Be prepared with the most accurate 10-day forecast for Madison, WI with highs, lows, chance of precipitation from The Weather Channel and Weather.com

10-Day Weather Forecast for Madison, WI

8. Interactive Radar | wxow.com

  • Mental Health Crisis; Find Resources Here. Download Now: WXOW Weather and News Apps. Interactive Radar. La Crosse, WI. Zip Code

  • La Crosse interactive radar information for the community.

Interactive Radar | wxow.com

9. Interactive Radar | wqow.com

  • Eau Claire forecast, weather, radar, and severe weather alerts. Stormtracker's daily and hourly forecast for Eau Claire and the Chippewa Valley in ...

  • Eau Claire forecast, weather, radar, and severe weather alerts. Stormtracker's daily and hourly forecast for Eau Claire and the Chippewa Valley in Wisconsin.

10. Hourly Weather Forecast for Madison, WI

  • Hourly Local Weather Forecast, weather conditions, precipitation, dew point, humidity, wind from Weather.com and The Weather Channel.

  • Hourly Local Weather Forecast, weather conditions, precipitation, dew point, humidity, wind from Weather.com and The Weather Channel

Hourly Weather Forecast for Madison, WI

11. Radar | Wisconsin - WEAU

  • 13 First Alert Weather Forecast @10pm 9/14 ... At Gray, our journalists report, write, edit and produce the news content that informs the communities we serve.

  • WEAU | Radar | Wisconsin

Radar | Wisconsin - WEAU

12. First Alert Forecast | WMTV-TV 15 Weather | Madison, Wisconsin

  • Get the latest forecasts, interactive radar, and school closings for Madison, Janesville, Beloit, and the rest of southern Wisconsin.

First Alert Forecast | WMTV-TV 15 Weather | Madison, Wisconsin

13. Wisconsin Radar Loop | channel3000.com

  • ... Weather, Madison's certified most accurate forecast by WeatheRate. Wisconsin Radar Loop. Wisconsin Radar Loop. Weather Expandable (hourly). Currently in Madison.

  • Weather News

Wisconsin Radar Loop | channel3000.com
Wkow Weather Radar (2025)


How do you read weather radar data? ›

Warm colors (red) / positive values indicate wind moving away from the radar (along a radial). Cool colors (green) / negative values indicate wind moving toward the radar. Purple indicates “range folding”— where the radar cannot determine the radial velocity. Velocity image of a large-scale weather system.

How do you read a tornado weather radar? ›

Note the bright red, or strong outbound velocities right next to the bright green, or inbound velocities. This indicates a strongly rotating column of air. When coupled with a reflectivity pattern that exhibits a hook signature, as in this case, there is often a tornado occurring or about to occur.

Why does the weather radar change so much? ›

Doppler radars work by transmitting short pulses of radio waves, then listening for returning signals that are reflected off a target, raindrops or snowflakes, back to the radar antenna. When the pulse hits a moving target, the phase of the returned signal is "shifted" or changed.

How accurate is storm radar? ›

Weather surveillance radars such as the WSR-88D can detect most precipitation within approximately 80 nautical miles (nm) of the radar, and intense rain or snow within approximately 140 nm. However, light rain, light snow, or drizzle from shallow cloud weather systems are not necessarily detected.

What does a black dot mean on a weather radar? ›

Black dots represent divergence centers. Arrow length is proportional to wind speed. Negative (positive) Doppler velocities represent flow toward (away from) the radar. ( larger image)

What does dark green mean on radar? ›

Purples and blues indicate the strongest winds, while dark greens are lighter winds. The greyish shades in the middle of the spectrum indicate very light winds or none at all. Then the right side indicates echoes moving away from the radar.

How to tell if a tornado is forming on radar? ›

As a thunderstorm develops, strengthens and begins to rotate, a hook shape can appear on the edge of the storm on radar. As the storm intensifies, the hook can become very prominent on radar in the area of the storm that can spawn a tornado.

What color means tornado on radar? ›

What color is a tornado on the radar? Most sources that publish radar images or videos of tornado events use the two main colors, red and green. Red indicates the winds moving away from the radar whereas green displays the winds moving toward the radar.

How to tell if a tornado is coming at you? ›

An approaching cloud of debris especially at ground level, even if a funnel is not visible; A loud roar - similar to a freight train - or a strange quiet occurring within or shortly after a thunderstorm. A change in the color of the sky. Debris dropping from the sky.

Why does rain disappear on radar? ›

In addition, the radar image will not show echos from precipitation that lies outside the radar's beam, either because the precipitation is too high above the radar, or because it is so close to the Earth's surface that it lies beneath the radar's beam.

How can weather radar be wrong? ›

If a radar gun hasn't been properly (or recently) calibrated, it can yield a bad reading—just like a scale that isn't calibrated to “zero” will tell you the wrong weight. Weather conditions. Inclement weather, especially high winds, can affect the radar gun's returns.

How accurate is AccuWeather radar? ›

This comprehensive test analyzed over 25 million weather forecasts in more than 1,000 locations globally, and AccuWeather was the clear winner in high- and low-temperature forecasts, proving to have the lowest average absolute error and the greatest percentage of forecast accuracy within 3 degrees F.

Who has the best weather radar? ›

AccuWeather is Most Accurate Source of Weather Forecasts and Warnings in the World, Recognized in New Proof of Performance Results.

What is the most accurate weather radar app? ›

The best Weather apps you can download right now
  1. Carrot Weather (Android, iOS: Free) ...
  2. The Weather Channel (Android; iOS: Free) ...
  3. Emergency: Alerts (Android; iOS) ...
  4. Clime: NOAA Weather Radar Live (Android, iOS: Free) ...
  5. RadarScope (Android, iOS: $9.99) ...
  6. 1Weather (Android, iOS: Free) ...
  7. WeatherBug (Android, iOS: Free)
5 days ago

What can weather radar not detect? ›

Rain Intensity and Droplet Size: Light rainfall or drizzle consists of tiny water droplets. These droplets might be too small for the radar to detect effectively.

What do the boxes on weather radar mean? ›

If precipitation is severe, watch boxes will also show up in addition to precipitation intensity. Red dashed = tornado watch. Red solid = tornado warning. Yellow dashed = severe thunderstorm watch. Yellow solid = severe thunderstorm warning.

How to interpret radar images? ›

Darker areas in the image represent low backscatter, brighter areas represent high backscatter. Radar images highlight the differences in surface roughness, geometry and moisture content of objects on the surface.

How do you read weather forecast data? ›

Some common examples include:
  1. Sun: Clear skies and bright sunshine.
  2. Cloud: Overcast or partly cloudy conditions.
  3. Raindrop: Indication of rain showers.
  4. Snowflake: Signifies snowfall or wintry precipitation.
  5. Thunderstorm: Represents the potential for thunderstorms.
  6. Wind: Depict wind direction and speed.
Jul 15, 2024


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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Author information

Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.